Privacy Policy


Hi, and welcome to First Mind Idea! Your privacy is important to us. The website https://firstmindidea/ (the “Website”) is run by our Ideas Inc., a corporation based in Texas, USA (“us,” “our”). Before you use the Website, please read this Privacy Policy carefully. It tells you important things about your privacy and how to use the information we get about you.

To access and use the website, you must agree to and follow this Privacy Policy. Anyone who wants to visit or use the website must follow this privacy statement, including viewers, users, and other groups.

Information We Collect

We may need some information about you to be able to identify you and get in touch with or find you. This is called “Personal Information.” There is more to personal identification info than just a person’s name. Some examples are:

Usage Data

You may also give us information about how the Site is used and whether it is available (“Usage Data”). This usage data includes your computer’s address, your internet protocol (IP) address, the pages you visit on our site, the date and time of your visit, and how long you stay on each page. It can also include “just do,” the pages you’ve visited, your device’s unique ID, and other technical data.

Use of Data uses this information for many things, including providing and supporting our site.

  • I’m writing to let you know about the changes we’ve made to our website.
  • Thus letting you enjoy the engaging parts of our site whenever you want
  • To offer good service
  • To get research or valuable information that will help us make our site better To keep an eye on how our site is being used
  • To find, stop, and fix technology problems


A cookie is a small piece of information that a website sends to your computer and stores on your device. Cookies will be saved on this page. You can read more about our cookies and how to change your settings by visiting our Cookie Policy.

Retention of Data will only keep your information for as long as we need it to do what we said we would do in the beginning. Please be aware that we will only retain your Personal Data for as long as we need to to follow the law or fulfil our legal obligations. This can be used to settle disagreements and ensure that people we have formal deals with follow them, such as the rules in this Privacy Policy.

Third-party websites

There may be links on this website to other websites run by different people. The hyperlinks offered are only meant to be used as references. We don’t have control over these websites, so we can’t be held accountable for their privacy policies, content, or other policies.

It is your duty to go through and fully understand their privacy policies. Links to these websites do not mean that the information on those websites is supported or that you are connected with the people who run those websites.

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